Map, Filter & Reduce Functions in JavaScript

Photo by Ross Joyner on Unsplash

Map, Filter & Reduce Functions in JavaScript


  • Functions are first-class citizens in JavaScript, which means that we can take a function and pass it as an argument to a function.
  • A function which is been passed as an argument is known as Callback Function.
  • A function which takes another function as an argument or returns a function is called Higher Order Function.
function cb(){

function ho(cb){


In the above piece of code, function cb() is a callback function which is passed as an argument to the function ho() which is a higher-order function.

[].map(), [].filter() and [].reduce() are higher-order function which take a callback function as an argument. All three functions are part of the array prototype in javascript which means that they must be called directly on an array.

1. [].map()

  • [].map() is used to transform an array. Transform means to change each and every value of the array and get a new array out of it.
  • [].map() will run the passed callback function on every element of the array and return a new array with transformed values.
const arr = [ 1, 6, 3, 6, 0, 8];

//Double the value of each element in an array.
function getDouble(item){
  return item * 2;

const output1 =;

//Convert each number of an array into its binary form. 
function getBinary(item){
  return item.toString(2);

const output2 =;

- [ 2, 12, 6, 12, 0, 16 ]
- [ '1', '110', '11', '110', '0', '1000' ]

2. [].filter()

  • [].filter() is used to filter an array. Filter means to remove elements which do not satisfy the condition.
  • [].filter() will take a conditional callback function and return a new array from the given array with elements for which the condition was true.
const arr = [ 8, 3, 1, 7, 6, 9, 1, 8, 0, 5];

//Filter out even numbers from an array.
function isOdd(item){
  return item%2;

//Filter out elements with values less than 4.
const output = arr.filter(item => item > 4)

- [ 3, 1, 7, 9, 1, 5 ]
- [ 8, 7, 6, 9, 8, 5 ]

3. [].reduce()

  • [].reduce() is used when we need to take all elements of an array and come up with a single value out of them.
  • For example, finding the sum of all the elements in an array, finding the maximum number in an array etc.
const arr = [ 8, 3, 1, 7, 6, 9, 1, 8, 0, 5];

//Find the sum of all the elements in an array.
const sumOfArray = arr.reduce(function(acc, curr){
  acc = acc + curr;
  return acc;
}, 0);

//Find the element with the maximum value in an array.
const max = arr.reduce(function(acc, curr){
  if(curr > acc){
    acc = curr;
  return acc;
}, 0)

- 48
- 9

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